The Southeast Asian Art Residencies Meeting 2018 was held from 20 – 22 April 2018 in Lohas city, Cyprus, the Philippines. Artist-in-residence organisers from Southeast Asia (the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore) and East Asia (Korea, Taiwan, Japan) participated in this conference. (1)
This conference was held as a related project of VIVA EXCON 2018 in Capiz (2). By the way, the first meeting is held in Rimbun Dahan (3) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2016.
The themes discussed at this year’s meeting are as follows.
- State of Affairs: surveying the landscape and contexts of participating spaces and organizations
- Building Structures: examining conceptual and operational formats and frameworks
- Action and Opportunities: partnering and collaborating with international institutions within specific contexts
- Liquid Infrastructures: inquiries on the potentials for community engagement and participation)
- Sustainability and Resilience: inspecting the different junctures in creating and maintaining residency programs
Each participant is supposed to make a presentation by the theme that seems to be related at the request of the organiser, but in fact, it is mainly about the background of the organisation and the aspect of the residence I was able to know the concrete activities of AIR. At the end of the meeting, a roundtable group discussion was held. I exchanged views with various participants till late every day, it was a thrilling three days that kept talking all the time. (4)
- Japanese participants were AIR-H (Aomori), Art Center Ongoing (Tokyo), FIGYA (Osaka), Art Space Tetra (Fukuoka), Koganecho Area Management Center (Kanagawa) and Arcus Project (Ibaraki).
- VIVA EXCON (Visayas Islands Visual Arts Exhibition and Conference) is an Art Biennial in the Visayas region, Philippines, which has been held since 1990. It will be held in November in 2018 at LOHAS city in Capiz.
The reason why I participated in this conference because I was attending as a facilitator of the workshop hosted by VIVA EXCON at the same venue just before this point. - Rimbun Dahan - Link
2018年4月20日ー22日にThe Southeast Asian Art Residencies Meeting 2018がフィリピン・カプス州ロハス市で開催された。東南アジア(フィリピン・マレーシア・インドネシア・タイ・ベトナム・香港・シンガポール)および東アジア(韓国・台湾・日本)のアーティストインレジデンス運営者がこのカンファレンスに参加。(1)
この会議はVIVA EXCON 2018 in Capiz(2)の関連事業として開催された。ちなみに、第一回の会議は2016年にマレーシア・クアラルンプールのRimbun Dahan(3)で開催されている。
- 現状:各参加者組織の背景や現状、および活動状況の調査
- 組織作り:コンセプトおよび運用形式と枠組みの検討
- 行為と機会:限られた状況での国際的な組織への参加と協力
- 流動的基盤整備:コミュニティとの関わりと参加の可能性
- 持続性と回復力:AIRプログラムの構築と維持についての様々な接点の検証
- 日本からはAIR-H (青森)、Art Center Ongoing (東京)、FIGYA (大阪)、アートスペース・テトラ(福岡)、黄金町エリアマネージメントセンター(神奈川)・アーカスプロジェクト(茨城)が参加。
- VIVA EXCON(Visayas Islands Visual Arts Exhibition and Conference)は、1990年から催されているフィリピン・ビサヤ地域のビエンナーレ/芸術祭。今年はカピス州ロハス市で11月開催。
私がどうしてこの会議に参加していたのかというと、この直前に同じ会場でVIVA EXCON主催のワークショップのファシリテーターとして参加していたため。 - Rimbun Dahan
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